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Max @ Meet Me Outside

Date: 31 May, 2024

Map screen screenshot

Ever find yourself itching for an outdoor adventure but not quite sure where to start? Meet Me Outside has got you covered. Our app is designed to connect you with the best nature activities right in your city, and it all starts with our intuitive Map View.

Take a peek at the screenshot above. Here’s a quick tour of what you’re looking at:

Seamless Navigation

In your city, the map is your playground. Those green patches? They’re parks and nature spaces, that are free for your to access, hotspots for adventure. You’ll notice various icons sprinkled across the map, each representing different activities. A quick tap on any of these icons gives you all the details you need about upcoming events.

Add Your Own Event

See that “Add event” button? It’s your ticket to creating your own outdoor meetup. Click and hold anywhere on the map to start planning an event. Add a date, an activity and we'll let people know what's happening. Whether it’s a casual hike, a thrilling mountain bike ride, or a peaceful nature walk, the power to organize is in your hands.

Suggested Nearby Events

Scrolling down reveals a list of nearby events tailored just for you. Fancy a bit of trail running? There’s an event just 0.87 km away. More into road running or mountain biking? We’ve got those (and a few more) too, each event thoughtfully suggested based on your location and interests.

Your Adventure Awaits

Meet Me Outside isn’t just an app; it’s your adventure companion. With our Map View, discovering and sharing outdoor activities has never been easier. Lace up those shoes, grab your gear, and dive into the outdoor experiences waiting just around the corner. See you outside!

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